Sardinia Gourmet Tour


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What you'll do


Your local guide on this Sardinian Gourmet Tour will ensure you have the most comfortable all access gourmet tour of the region. From spending time with Sardinian Shepherds, getting to know a Sardinian family and spending the day with a local chef who is single handedly upholding traditional pasta making of her region, you will have an extraordinary time that you will never forget. This experience gives you unique access into Sardinia, its history, rich culture and love of food.

Dates for 2022

25 April - 1 May
23 - 29 May
13-19 June
18-24 July

Traditional Sardinian Lunch & Bakery Experience

Private transfer from Cagliari Airport to Oristano. Our foodie adventure will start with a mouth- watering traditional Sardinian lunch. Afterwards, you will have some time to relax at the hotel, and we will meet again in the late afternoon.

You will visit a local bakery, where a Sardinian pastry chef will show you the magic needed to make Sardinian almond cookies. This is an incredible art that will leave you speechless. A special tasting of the famous pecorino and Sardinian cured meats will follow, accompanied by delicious Cannonau wine.

Spend a Day With Sardinian Shepherds

Today we will introduce you to the gorgeous heart of Sardinia! You will be fascinated by the authenticity and  vibrancy of the Island. Our wine & food adventure will start with the visit to the symbol of Sardinia, the Nuraghe. The Nuraghes are antique settlements made by the first Sardinian inhabitants, they date back to the 16th century B.C!

After the visit, we will explore a beautiful forest where Sardinian shepherds still live. You’ll have the chance to visit their farms and learn more about their unique lifestyle. You will enjoy lunch with them and taste  traditional Sardinian roasted pig. Everything will be accompanied by their mouth-watering wine and cheeses. After lunch the shepherds will perform their  joyful local dances and music.

We will head back to the hotel in the late afternoon and you will have dinner included.

Sardinian Cooking Class & Oristano Visit

After your gourmet breakfast, we will head to a tiny town close to Oristano in time for a Sardinian cooking class.

You’ll be guided by a chef in learning to make two traditional Sardinian recipes. You’ll be taught the best way to use precious Sardinian saffron and other hidden secrets of Sardinian Cuisine.

After some free time in the afternoon we will meet again for a relaxing walk in Oristano downtown and I will be introduce you to the most romantic hidden spots of my city.

We will finish our day with a Sardinian spritz aperitivo, accompanied by local delicacies.

Spend A Day With A Sardinian Family

Today you will spend our day with a Sardinian family, and experience the authentic extra-ordinary daily life of locals. The lovely family you welcome us into their cozy country house in the morning. Your day together will start with a cup of great coffee accompanied by delicious typical cookies. The rest of the day will be spent  following the rhythms of the family, getting ready for a sumptuous, mouth-watering lunch and a lot of fun!

You’ll have a free afternoon and for dinner have a romantic seafood dinner.

Wine Tasting & Cheese Creamery Experience

In the morning you will visit the stunning beaches of the Marine Protected Area of Oristano and get to know the incredible story of the Sardinian Giants. These Giants are enormous statues made by stone, found by chance by a farmer on his land. They date back to over 3000 years.

We will meet again in the afternoon for a visit to a local “cantina” with a special wine tasting of  wines that have been rated as one of the best Italian wine at Vinitaly. Lunch will be in a typical locanda, where you can take the opportunity to taste some peculiar ingredients of traditional seafood cuisine.

After lunch, you will visit a local cheese creamery where you will discover the making process of the famous Sardinian Pecorino. Then back to the hotel. An aperitivo accompanied by mouth-watering local products will will be your dinner for the evening.

Cooking Class With Local Chef

We will meet in the morning, and travel to a tiny village where we will meet Luciana. Luciana is a lovely lady who has dedicated her life to protect one of the oldest handmade pasta in Italy (and probably in the World). She runs a tiny traditional restaurant where she will welcome us with her “very” Sardinian warmth and joy.

You will attend the making process of one of the most precious and particular Italian pasta and of course once made taste the delicacy, along side other gourmet traditional recipes Luciana will have prepared. Get ready for an authentic journey of traditional and unique flavours.

After lunch we will reach our final destination, a lovely boutique hotel in Oristano. Time to rest and freshen up before you experience a special Sardinian Aperitivo. Your aperitivo will be accompanied by delicious Sardinian champagne.

Travel Home

We’ll reach Cagliari Airport in the morning where we will say arrivederci.

Your local host

Angelina Fadda

Tell me a little bit about yourself

I am Sardinian but was born in the North of Italy, my parents decided to return to Sardinia when I was 8 because Sardinian people have a strong attachment and bond with the island where we lived in Oristano. What I do is my passion, I am very lucky. I love travelling and would say I am a globe trotter. When I have spare time I always just take a flight and travel anywhere. I lived in San Francisco for a year and there I had a chance to improve my English especially because for Italians it is not easy learning English because of our complex way of thinking, our language has a lot of words and so we often find it difficult to translate into the correct English words.

What inspired you?

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Tell me a little bit about yourself

I am Sardinian but was born in the North of Italy, my parents decided to return to Sardinia when I was 8 because Sardinian people have a strong attachment and bond with the island where we lived in Oristano. What I do is my passion, I am very lucky. I love travelling and would say I am a globe trotter. When I have spare time I always just take a flight and travel anywhere. I lived in San Francisco for a year and there I had a chance to improve my English especially because for Italians it is not easy learning English because of our complex way of thinking, our language has a lot of words and so we often find it difficult to translate into the correct English words.

What inspired you?

I graduated in Italian modern literature, whilst I was studying I was very conscious of the food that I was eating because I am diabetic. I have always been passionate about food because I have to control everything that I consume so that I remain healthy. Once I graduated, I applied and completed a masters in Italian gourmet food and the tourism industry. The course I did was the first time they did it and they only chose 20 people from all over Italy to attend it and I was lucky enough to be one of them. Immediately after that I managed the tourist office in Oristano and maintained the European relations to help organise people.

By chance after travelling in Canada where I met another Italian lady who had a chain of high-class restaurants who suggested opening a Sardinian gourmet food export company because she was frustrated that she could never get her hands on the best food that we had. And so, I started working with her and we decided to set up this company where I would export the best Sardinian food products to the international market and created relations with importers all over the world. I started working with an importer from Australia who I did business with who encouraged me to think of a way to demonstrate to people why the products that Sardinian has is premium. He suggested to take groups of people around Sardinian and Italy so that they can experience the bakeries and wineries on small gourmet tours. We soon saw that this kind of tour was extremely popular and so I decided to change and start just doing the tours.

What is unique about your tours?

I don’t do anything mainstream touristic; I take people off the beaten track. I don’t take people to big restaurants or big hotels and make sure they experience places with real personality. For example, on the tours we stay in Masseria which are small farms in the country which have a true personality as they are connected to traditions. At the same time though they are still elegant, country chic would be the style. Every experience I do is very immersive, I try and give people emotions to involve them with cooking classes and interactions with local families. I am always there and participate with my guests to make sure that they are comfortable. You don’t have to think about anything, just come enjoy and relax and get to know the real soul of Italy. I sell slow tours, not because we do few things but because you have a chance to enter and experience the real Italy.

What do you focus on?

I really love Puglia and Calabria because of the people. They are all very authentic and kind and I work very well with the people here. I always try and have a relationship with the people we visit in the tour and become friends with them to ensure a close relationship with them. The exchange of good energy between these people makes the experiences special because if I cultivate that kind of energy then my guests will also feel that. Ethics are an important part of what I do. I try to be honest, even when I pay the hosts and I always try to recognise the value of what they do to ensure that I am always fair with them.


What our travellers are saying...

I'm sharing this post and site with all of my friends I wish to introduce you to Angelina who shows people the beauty of Italy and Sardinia, her homeland. Angelina is one of the most respected food and wine tour operators in all of Italy which is noted by the respect that is given to her and her touring crew when arriving, well, everywhere and anywhere really. Be it food, wine or history her tours are a ‘one stop shop’.


I would like to thank you again for all that you did to provide me with such an incredible experience of the amazing cuisine and culture of Sardinia, and the opportunity to engage with such genuine people. They were so warm and welcoming and all were delightful company. Please pass on my sincere gratitude for their wonderful hospitality and reiterate just how much I appreciated the superb meals they prepared for us. Everything was so deliciou


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