Service Update: Temporarily Adjusted Hours

Due to unprecedented demand and to ensure we process your online enquiries and requests as quickly as possible we are temporarily adjusting the times our sales team will be available. Our phone lines and online chat facility will be available between the times of 10:30am to 4pm.  We appreciate your understanding as we work to improve our high service standards, and look forward to returning to our regular hours soon!

Our Host: Thanawut Supangkaratana


I’m from Bangkok and have lived here my entire life. I started my career straight after completing my degree, which was in hospitality and tourism, and began working as a tour guide in Bangkok and did so for 10 years. During this time, I travelled through the whole of Thailand and South East Asia, as well as, a lot of the rest of Asia. Around four years ago, I decided to set up on my own and began finding the best, most authentic experiences that nobody else was offering. Growing up, I always had a keen interest in discovering and exploring new places, so this is where my passion to work in travel came from.

I was working as a tour guide and when I spoke to travellers and asked them where they were going, I’d only ever hear the same places mentioned. So I decided to change that. There was SO many untouched place people weren’t going to in Thailand so I wanted to show people there are loads more to this country. The experiences I find are not only authentic and aren’t being done by other tour companies, but they are also fully ethical and sustainable. We make sure the experiences support the communities to make a positive impact on the environment, education, economy, and society. We truly care to preserve the way of Thai lifestyle and help communities stand up for sustainable living.


Activities By Thanawut Supangkaratana

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