Amazon Food Safari


From £1729 pp
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What you'll do


Experience the famous Amazonas State through its exquisite cuisine on this unique tour.

The Amazon Food Safari is an expedition through the Amazonas State, starting at the capital Manaus. Here we spend two days visiting museums, indigenous conservation projects, traditional & contemporary restaurants, and the local market where a great variety of products and ingredients from the forest can be easily found.

The other three days are dedicated to experiencing the forest. Our base is at Uakari Floating Lodge, located at Mamiraua Sustainable Development Reserve in Tefé (1h20min flight from Manaus).

Tourism is one of the reserve`s economical activities, and involves six local communities that manage the ecotourism project and provide all services of accommodation, meals, tours and hospitality.

The lodge has charming and ecological bungalows and is located in an incredible, preserved are of the Amazon.

Activities at the lodge include hands-on cooking classes, but also boat rides to watch Pink Dolphins and treks in the forest to look for Sloths and Monkeys.

Some of the local ingredients are: Amazonian fruits as açai & guaraná, fish, Brazil nuts and manioc flowers.


Arrival in Manaus airport (MAO), our host/Chef will be waiting to take you to the hotel.
Short walk to the Amazonas Theatre area to taste Tacaca as a welcome drink.
Visit to the inner area of the theatre and depart for dinner in a special restaurant of regional food.


Guided visit to the Model and Municipal Markets.
Boat tour through the “encounter of the waters” with lunch in an exclusive regional food restaurant.
Return to the hotel to relax.
Dinner at a Japanese & Amazonian Restaurant.


Departure to the airport and board the flight to Tefé. Arrival in Tefé, our staff will be waiting to take you on a boat tour to the floating lodge Uakari – a South American model eco-lodge managed by local communities. Check-in at the apartments and meeting at the
main houseboat to taste caipirinhas made with regional fruits.
Dinner prepared by the lodge kitchen staff includes: fried Aruanã (fish species) and Dry Pirarucu (freshwater fish)
fried balls. After dinner, presentation of Amazonian Gastronomy and overnight.


The days start with delicious breakfast composed of tapiocas (startch extracted from cassava or manioc root) and regional fruits.
Days are split between cooking lessons and tours in the wilderness.
One of the top activities from these days is the class at “flour house”.
The whole artisanal process of manioc milling and pressing the dough-like paste at the tipiti (natural straw type of squeezer produced by indigenous communities) to extract the liquid that will result in the tucupi (yellow sauce extracted from wild manioc root) and the paste that will be rolled up, toasted and become the tapioca flour.
Meantime, the flour will be toasted in a big pan on oven stove.

Amazon Forest/Manaus

Departure after breakfast and finalization of the Food Safari.
Embark at the airport to catch the flight to Manaus.
End of Amazon Food Safari.

Your local host

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We're chatting with the host of this amazing experience and as soon as we get their bio we'll put it here

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