Experiences in Botswana


The phrase “take a walk on the wild side” is quite literal in Botswana. This jewel in the crown of South Africa is the ultimate wildlife destination, offering some of the most astounding natural spectacles you’ll ever lay eyes on.

Being the elephant kingdom of the world with over 130,000 elephants (the most anywhere on earth) roaming its fenceless lands, Botswana stands trunk and tusks above most countries for wild experiences. Whether its exploring the vast grassy plains of the Okavango Delta, staring in awe at the sheer quantity of the wildlife in the Chobe National Park in Savuti and observing nature’s greatest predators, or simply watching the friendly wildlife come to you in a tented camp in one of the game reserves, where it’s possible to have giraffes amongst other marvellous creatures wandering nearby or even through the middle of the camp.

One thing’s for certain in Botswana, you’re not going to meet any crowds, its off the beaten track level is one Bear Grylls would be proud off.

So get your pith helmet, your binoculars and your zoom lens ready, it’s time for an adventure.

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Best Time to Visit Botswana


July – Sept is the peak season as it’s dry season but there’s floods that arrive from the delta in Angola at the same time. So there’s loads of water, meaning you can navigate the terrain a lot easier and the water obviously attracts tons of wildlife. But it does get busy around this time.

Oct – Dec the humidity peaks during these months so it does get really hot (up to 40 degrees). In October, the wildlife does start to disperse a little bit in anticipation of the rain. Late November, early December is when the rain starts to return, so it’s a great time for game viewing (as good as August), and not as busy as the peak season.

Jan-Feb is rainy season and few people do come at this time because they don’t want to get caught in the rain, but the showers only last around 20 minutes so it’s not too bad at all. During this time, the landscape becomes really beautiful and really green. It’s also birthing season, so there’s loads of little cubs and calves running around.

Not your usual accomodation

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We ensure that communities benefit from our visit.

We ensure that communities benefit from our visit.

  • In many cases, less than 10% of the money spent on a holiday actually ends up in the pockets of the local community. Tourism leakage is a serious problem, and it means many people are not able to reap the benefits of the tourism happening in their own back yard. We work with small, local suppliers and ensure that they receive a fair amount for every holiday we sell.

We protect the environments we visit.

We protect the environments we visit.



  • The climate is changing, and the travel industry is a key frontier in this battle. On the one hand, pollution from travel, erosion from over-tourism, and waste from careless travelling can make the problem much worse. But on the other hand, travel affords unique opportunities to help people connect with the natural environment in a close-up, personal way, and support locals in protecting their local environment. We are committed to offering experiences that match our sustainability criteria.

We educate and provide guidance to travellers, hosts and agents.

We educate and provide guidance to travellers, hosts and agents.

  • Travel can help build a better world, but it has to be done properly. We are not just finding experiences that are better for local communities and better for the planet. We are committed to helping everyone travel better. From the moment they book with us until the moment they arrive home, we actively help our travellers with resources and guidance. This helps them travel more mindfully, and ultimately, offers a deeper, more rewarding experience.

Best Places to Visit

Okavango Delta

There are very few places in Africa, and in fact the world, that can match this labyrinth of shiftin


Okavango Delta


Top tips for visiting Botswana

My top tips for visiting Botswana would be…

Don’t self drive – the terrain in the national parks in Botswana compared to other countries’ national parks is completely different, they are made up of sand tracks. So unless you have experience of driving a 4×4 on sand tracks, I’d get a guide to drive you. Also the parks aren’t mapped so it’s really easy to get lost!

Get a guide – not only do you see so much more than you would on your own. A guide can get everything sorted for you, in terms of passes, permits, getting through borders etc.

Plan your itinerary – have an idea of what you want to do before you come, you don’t want to waste time when there’s so much to see!

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